L R AS Published on Sunday 25 August 2019 - n° 286 - Categories:electricity companies, achat-blockchain

Digital directories (blockchain) are not very popular.

Despite the hype, power companies are still wary of digital (blockchain) directories. American companies have taken a wait-and-see approach to this technology,

as the number of start-ups multiplies. This is what emerges from a survey of 15 electricity companies in North America and Europe. While the companies have tested the process, there is very little live activity. European companies have been the most willing to test the technology: three companies have implemented digital directories live in Europe, two of which had been underway for more than a year.

77% of US utilities are wary of adopting the blockchain because of the lack of industry standards for technology.


GreenTech Media of August 2

Editor's note What should be known is why this craze for digital repertoires quickly proved its limits with the exponential nature of the writings to be recorded. Is it a company (is it IBM?) that thought it was launching a new high-performance process? Is it people looking for novelties who promoted a product, hoping that with it and by being the first, they could resell their activity to gogos with an enormous profit?

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