L R AS Published on Friday 6 March 2020 - n° 312 - Categories:Japan, Asia

Coronavirus effects shift to South Korea and Japan

The development of coronavirus in Japan and South Korea could affect the supply of solar materials. These two countries mainly produce silver paste and fabrics for screen printing.

However, these are technological products that are difficult to find from other manufacturers in a short period of time.

Taiwanese panel manufacturers could also see their supply of components and materials interrupted from China: 90 per cent of their PV-related components and materials are purchased from China. However, Chinese manufacturers are giving priority to supplying their compatriot panel manufacturers, who have a much higher demand.

Digitimes of 4 March

Editor's note This means that the photovoltaic sector has not yet recovered in Asia. The epidemic is subsiding in China, but still seems to be alive and well in Japan and especially South Korea.

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