L R AS Published on Saturday 25 September 2021 - n° 375 - Categories:the American PV

Campaign by advocates of PV imports in the US

Following the request of a number of US companies to extend the protection against photovoltaic imports to other Asian countries (Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand), 190 companies led by SEIA

say tariffs would "devastate" US industry, threaten hundreds of thousands of American families, climate change facilities


PV Tech of 22 September 2021

Editor's note: We are hearing the same doomsday arguments that were made when Trump introduced tariffs. Despite these dire predictions, the US has installed 20 GW in 2020, the highest level in history

Moreover, it is easier for importers to buy from abroad than to stimulate domestic production, which at the moment does not have the structures to offer products at prices comparable to those imported

Finally, the US government sees China as an adversary. The dramatic disappearance of the US industry due to the cheap sale of panels does not allow for the expansion of the industry and the resurgence of new indispensable activities such as wafer and cell production.

The reconstitution of an industry would be long, delicate, and above all fraught with difficulties because the Chinese will do everything to sell at low prices in order to break any resurgence of the American industry.

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