L R AS Published on Monday 22 November 2021 - n° 383 - Categories:lithium batteries, industrial strategy

Tenergie wants to solarise the shaded areas and install charging stations

Tenergie is partnering with the young company Stations-e to solarise car park shades and install charging points for electric vehicles.

They offer turnkey solutions.


GreenUnivers of 19 November 2021

Editor's note: All companies dream of conquering the charging station market because of its size. As always, the pioneers are starting out. They try to find the right technology and assert themselves through collaborations or partnerships. When the market has matured, i.e. when the number of electric vehicles is sufficient, we will see the big companies buying up the best technologies, or those with the largest network. Until then, we need to install charging stations and not have customers stop there!

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