L R AS Published on Sunday 13 September 2015 - n° 128 - Categories:company results

Yingli's losses double in Q2

Yingli in the second quarter shipped 728 MW, down 18% year-on-year. Turnover fell by 20% to CNY 2,716m. The operating loss doubled to CNY 178m (compared to CNY 86m inQ2 2014). Net loss doubled to CNY 598m (CNY 285m a year ago).
Management is considering various financing alternatives including the liquidation of certain idle assets.
Management also announces that lower than expected utilization of certain production facilities, which is expected to continue in the coming quarters, could result in a significant amount of the non-cash impairment charge in Q3 2015.
Yingli expects to deliver between 2.5 and 2.8 GW of PV products in 2015.
Photon of September 9

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