L R AS Published on Monday 13 December 2021 - n° 386 - Categories:other France, R&D

Experimentation with vertically placed panels

CNR has commissioned vertical panels along the Rhône on the Sablons dam in Isère. The aim is to integrate solar energy into the territory and avoid conflicts of use. The experiment

which was commissioned in December, was deployed over a length of 350 metres along the feeder canal of the CNR development at Péage-de-Roussillon. It represents an installed power of 104 kWp.

It allows the testing of bifacial panels placed vertically side by side to form a linear surface. With a height of 3 metres over 2 rows, these panels, which are more resistant and more waterproof than those of a conventional ground-mounted power plant, also make it possible to produce electricity over a wider time frame and are better adapted to the needs of the territories and those who live there.

This demonstrator is accessible to walkers who will be able to get up close. This prefigures other uses such as cars, railings, building facades, etc.

In addition to this experimentation, this project allows the study of the components and their use as noise barriers or fences. A programme of three demonstrators aims to verify the technical and economic viability of these long technology parks, which can be up to ten kilometres long.

The second demonstrator will be a 1.5 km long shaded area, installed on a section of the ViaRhôna that runs along the Rhône. The panels will be oriented east/west, in the form of a roof. The project will be launched in 2023. It will allow the study of innovative energy evacuation devices, designed to reduce energy losses due to transport in electrical cables

The third demonstrator, 10 to 20 km long, should be installed in 2025. It will be the full-scale, long-distance demonstrator. It will use the information from the first two demonstrators and will use panels and energy transport using innovative electrical architectures

The company, which has an installed capacity of 4 GW using wind, water and solar, aims to reach 7 GW by 2030, including 1.3 GW of solar. CNR currently has 46 photovoltaic plants


Tecsol of 10 December 2021

Editor's note: Why are solar power plants surrounded by fences? To prevent access! To prevent ill-intentioned people from entering the enclosure. What 8 to 12 year old kid has never thrown stones at windows, canopies, targets, just to hear the tinkling of the glass, to break the glass, or to show off his throwing skills? As photovoltaic panels are much more fragile than glass, we can expect the installations to be damaged more out of play than out of malice, especially if they are accessible to all walkers.

Let's hope we are wrong

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