L R AS Published on Tuesday 5 April 2022 - n° 400 - Categories:various sectors

Incentives to install photovoltaics No. 1

At a recent roundtable in Lisbon, Europe's solar industry called for efforts to accelerate the deployment of renewables and unlock more power purchase agreements (PPAs) to strengthen Europe's energy independence.At a recent roundtable in Lisbon, Europe's solar industry called for efforts to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy and unlock more power purchase agreements (PPAs) to strengthen Europe's energy independence.

The European Commission

wants to cut Russian gas demand by two-thirds by the end of 2022, and would like to increase the share of renewables in the EU's energy mix from 32% to 40% by 2030.

The industry said the world had changed and previous targets were outdated. The president of wind and solar for Spain and Germany at Statkraft noted that energy policy used to focus on balancing security of supply, environmental concerns and the economy. It is now moving towards "security of supply first, then and finally. It is about doing everything to increase the supply of solar, wind and hydrogen energy as soon as possible."

Portugal's secretary of state for energy will no longer require environmental impact assessments for new solar projects with a capacity of less than 50 MW, as the government seeks to accelerate the deployment of photovoltaics.

The war in Ukraine has also disrupted the solar energy supply chain. LONGi, which used to transport its connectors by land, now has to ship them by air. This makes them more expensive

The accelerated deployment of renewable installations will increase financial requirements. However, power purchase agreements are going to run up against solvent counterparts of buyers to absorb the various projects. Therefore, the aggregation of buyers should be encouraged to present both a purchase volume and a creditworthiness


PV Tech of 31 March 2022

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