L R AS Published on Monday 12 June 2023 - n° 449 - Categories:heat pump

UK survey on heat pumps and gas heating

A survey of 2,500 residential heat pump owners and 1,000 gas boiler owners in the UK found that

83% of respondents are as satisfied or more satisfied with heat pumps than with their previous heating system in houses built before 1900. Satisfaction levels between heat pump and gas boiler users are high and very similar.

When it comes to running costs, the study found greater satisfaction among heat pump users, with 67% of heat pump owners and 59% of gas boiler owners saying they were satisfied. However, heat pump users were less satisfied with ease of use and control than gas boiler users: 74% of heat pump users said they were fairly or very satisfied, compared with 88% of gas boiler users.

The survey showed that satisfaction is highest among people who have chosen to install heat pumps in their own homes, rather than among households moving into new builds or existing properties with heat pumps.


PV Magazine of 5 June 2023

Editor's note: What is important is the level of satisfaction among users, who will not hesitate to recommend such a device to their neighbours.

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