L R AS Published on Monday 12 February 2024 - n° 475 - Categories:hydrogen

Hydrogen in brief: TotalEnergies and Air Liquide refuelling stations, the American Nicola, NatPower, in Spain,

In brief hydrogen: TotalEnergies and Air Liquide refuelling stations, the American Nicola, NatPower, in Spain,

TotalEnergies and Air Liquide to create a network of 100 hydrogen refuelling stations in Europe for heavy goods vehicles

within ten years. The two manufacturers are already involved in the H2 Mobility consortium, which supplies almost 100 stations in Germany.



Spain could produce up to 2.5 million tonnes of green hydrogen a year by 2030, with an electrolysis capacity of 23.3 GW. Current demand for green hydrogen is one metric tonne a year, and annual consumption of grey hydrogen is 600,000 tonnes.



The American company Nicola has opened its first hydrogen refuelling station for heavy commercial vehicles in southern California.



NatPower plans to install hydrogen refuelling stations in Italian marinas from this summer. 25 marinas will be equipped in Italy, and the company plans to equip 100 service stations across the Mediterranean over the next six years.

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