L R AS Published on Saturday 30 October 2021 - n° 380 - Categories:company results

Iberdrola in the third quarter

For the first nine months, the gross profit (EBITDA) of the Spanish company Iberdrola reached €8.2 billion (+11% over last year), but its net profit

fell by 10% to €2.4bn

The company invested €7 billion in renewable energy and smart grids (for €3.2 billion). It has installed 3.7 GW of RE, including 1.5 GW of solar. 7.2 GW are under construction. The company has 37 GW of solar power under construction.

The company is committed to installing and commissioning a total of 28 GW between 2020 and 2025, with the aim of reaching 60 GW of renewable capacity.


PV Tech of 27 October

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